Monday, May 10, 2010

when life knocks you down get right back up

So I haven't posted a blog in a few days as my boyfriend pointed out (probably my only faithful reader haha) anyways everything has just been so crazy lately. I have had a lot of "drama" going on these past few days. I'm not going to bad mouth the person it involves instead I'm just going to say life can kick your ass sometimes! I know personally I have had moments where I just didn't see the point of getting out of bed in the morning. Things have occured in my life and the lives of many others that just knock you down hard. There's a trick to this.....the only thing anyone can do about those "things"....kick their asses right back! It is so easy to get upset and give into our problems, however when is taking the easy way out ever beneficial? When you are feeling low and like nothing else can go wrong, you are giving in to your own vices. A quote I read really stuck with me, it said "ask yourself, will this matter tomorrow?" We can go on stressing about what is yet to happen and lose all of this sleep when it is either inevitable or may not happen at all. Either way, it's not worth your worries. We all have one life to live and it shouldn't be wasted. We are remembered for what we accomplish and leave behind in life not for what we stressed over. Constantly tell yourself that if things are so crappy that you don't see the point in getting out of bed that you will get out of bed anyways. No matter what, always keep your head held high, and know that from there on things can get worse but they can also get so much better. Focus on the positives in life because the negatives are not worth your troubles. Make the best of everything and know that you have the ability to live the best life possible if you just give yourself that chance. We all have the ability to make our lives amazing :).

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