Monday, May 10, 2010

when life knocks you down get right back up

So I haven't posted a blog in a few days as my boyfriend pointed out (probably my only faithful reader haha) anyways everything has just been so crazy lately. I have had a lot of "drama" going on these past few days. I'm not going to bad mouth the person it involves instead I'm just going to say life can kick your ass sometimes! I know personally I have had moments where I just didn't see the point of getting out of bed in the morning. Things have occured in my life and the lives of many others that just knock you down hard. There's a trick to this.....the only thing anyone can do about those "things"....kick their asses right back! It is so easy to get upset and give into our problems, however when is taking the easy way out ever beneficial? When you are feeling low and like nothing else can go wrong, you are giving in to your own vices. A quote I read really stuck with me, it said "ask yourself, will this matter tomorrow?" We can go on stressing about what is yet to happen and lose all of this sleep when it is either inevitable or may not happen at all. Either way, it's not worth your worries. We all have one life to live and it shouldn't be wasted. We are remembered for what we accomplish and leave behind in life not for what we stressed over. Constantly tell yourself that if things are so crappy that you don't see the point in getting out of bed that you will get out of bed anyways. No matter what, always keep your head held high, and know that from there on things can get worse but they can also get so much better. Focus on the positives in life because the negatives are not worth your troubles. Make the best of everything and know that you have the ability to live the best life possible if you just give yourself that chance. We all have the ability to make our lives amazing :).

Friday, May 7, 2010

Holding my breath

So I saw Iron Man 2 tonight and it was seriously one of the best movies I have seen in a long time! Robert Downey Jr. is my new hollywood crush!!!!! Brian didn't like that very much haha. Well I'm one day closer to finishing school and seeing my boy, only 3 days left if you don't count the rest of today. I'm trying to study for geography a little bit but its not working out so well at the moment. My mind is running in fifty different directions and it seems impossible to focus on something I'm not very interested in in the first place. Work went by really fast today which was surprising. Tomorrow I work 8am to 4pm...Saturday shifts are the worst!
There's a lot going on in my life lately. I don't want to sit here and complain about it, I'm actually pretty suprised at how non stressed out I am. I think yoga has something to do with that. It makes me calm and happier. Maybe it's just doing something to keep me busy that makes me happier but who really knows. Some things are about to happen that I am getting really nervous about but all I can do is hold my breath and hope for the best. We are all faced with things that we would prefer to be without. We can't let them bring us down, and while this is going to be very difficult for me to not be brought down by I am going to try my best to hold my head high and get through it. This is one section of my life and before I know it I will have moved on to a much brighter chapter. Let the breath holding begin! Well, I'm off for tonight! Bye :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Could I be more impatient??

So I am starting to get very impatient! Finals are going on right now and I only have one left but its not until next Tuesday! I wish I could just take it and get it over with! Anyways Tuesday morning will suck but that evening Brian gets home and he will be here for three whole months :). I could not be happier, the hard part is waiting for Tuesday evening. I am so antsy!!! I just want him to be here with me already! It is going to be the best three months ever :)....I'm already dreading the fact that he has to leave me though. Stupid long distance, don't get me wrong it is so worth it because I have the world's most amazing boyfriend and I love him more then I love myself but I could really do without the "not seeing him all the time" part lol. Ughhh only a couple more years and the hard part will be over :). I am counting down the days!
I have been going non stop these last couple of days! Therefore I am ridiculously exhausted and am running on very little energy...but I guess that's life for you! I can't believe I am already almost done with my second year of college! It is so crazy! Time is flying by, which can be both a good and bad thing. Anyways I am going to keep tonight's entry short and sweet because as I said I am SOOOO TIRED!!! Good night world :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dedicated to my boyfriend :)

Well, seeing as it is my and Brian's ten months today I thought I would make this post about him! As I mentioned in my very first posting, Brian and I had to have been the most random couple ever! I'm sure everyone who heard the news had to do a double take. We were probably the last two people anyone saw coming because we didn't really know each other that well. Like I said we had a class together in high school and never talked. It's really funny how things work out. As of now, Brian Parrish knows me better then anyone else on the planet. He knows every single thing about me, good and bad and the best part is, he loves me for exactly who I am.
My boyfriend is probably one of the most amazing people I know. He is supportive in all that I do, he cares about everyone, he is there for me when things go good, and even more there when things go bad. He has this way of brightening my day by just a simple phone call. He is surrounded by so many people that love him because he is that person that everyone can't help but love. He would help anyone in an instant. He is so unbelievably handsome and incredible and I can't help but feel blessed to have found someone as wonderful as he is. I really do not know how I got so lucky, but I must have done something right to end up with this boy. The love that I feel for him in ten months is so much stronger then what I thought I would ever feel. I would do absolutely anything for him and will be here for him no matter what for the rest of our lives, whether we are a couple or not. He is so strong and smart and just amazing. So happy ten months Brian Christopher Parrish, I love you with my whole heart and want to thank you for always being there for me and for everything you do. You are one of the most important people in my life and I cannot even begin to explain how much you mean to me. I love you baby. <33333333

Monday, May 3, 2010

Showing some appreciation

Tonight my brother and I got into it with our dad once again. It seems like he's always mad about something. Every night when he comes home he gets mad about anything! It is the most annoying thing ever. Naturally my brother and I just went into our rooms to get away from his anger. Then my brother made me realize something. Our dad, that angry man who always seems to be mad or irritated is one of the best men I know. He gets up at 6am every single day and goes to work until 7 or 8 at night, then he comes home and is exhausted and gets little help from all of us. We are all so caught up in our own lives that we never take time out to show him how much we really do appreciate all that he does for us and all of the love he truely does show us.
I want to change, I want to be able to show my dad and anyone else that I appreciate what they mean to me. Now a days so many people are caught up in the hustle of their own lives that they seldom take time out to show those people that are important to them how much they mean to them. The thing is, life is short,you never know how much time left you have to show someone what they mean to you. I'm not trying to sound morbid, I'm just being realistic. Keeping your feelings locked inside of you isn't going to get you very far. Putting off how you feel about someone is the same exact thing. Why waste time? There's really nothing to lose in making someone feel loved. You never know how many chances you have left and honestly, people love feeling loved. I don't care who you are, being told that someone loves you is one of the greatest feelings in the world, and why shouldn't it be? So to all of those people who are there for me,(this includes: my best friend in the entire world Felicia, my wonderful and amazing boyfriend Brian, my two brothers, my parents, my family, and any of my friends that have been there for me in any way) I just want to say I love you all so much and you all mean the world to me :) thank you for everything you do! :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love great days :)

Today was one one those days where absolutely nothing went wrong! Yes those days are pretty rare but they do sneak up every once in a blue moon. As I briefly mentioned in my last blog I am in California staying with my friends Tracy and Kinzi. We went kayaking today! It was such a blast, and to top it off we got to kayak right next to two sea otters! They were the most adorable things I had ever seen. For those of you that don't know me I am an animal FREAKKKKK! If I could I would adopt every single stray out there, however reality tends to get in the way there. Anyways being able to be that close to something as beautiful as two sea otters simply enjoying their day out in the open ocean completely made mine!
I also got to visit some family I hadn't seen in a while. My Aunt Lori and Aunt Gabi who have been there for me since day one and have continued to be a solid support system throughout my entire life, and my baby cousin named Cruz. As Cruz reminded me and my friends several times today he is four and three quarters, almost five. He is getting so big! I feel like he grows a foot every time I see him. I miss them all so much and wish I could be around them more.
It's funny how we don't always realize how important something is to us until its not around anymore. Of course, the same thing could be said for the opposite statement. We don't always realize how lousy something was until something better comes along. Then again, everything that happens to us in life is somewhat of a game. At any moment you can get dealt a great hand or a rather crappy hand. People will come into your life who will always love you unconditionally and will be there for you no matter what for the rest of your life, and then some people will be there for you one second and then before you know it be gone. Of course, theres always that third type of person...the one that is so unhappy with themselves that they are making your life miserable, sometimes even unintentionally. Either way you look at it, you can't stop living your life...because once you do that that third kind of person wins. By living your life, and taking chances not only are you rewarding yourself but those that are there for you and that are rooting for you to succeed at all you do. Giving up isn't something you will look back on and tell stories about to your grandchildren. However those risks you took, whether you succeed or fail, will be the building blocks for the memories we can all look back on one day and the guidance we can share with those people that we are rooting for as well. Well I'm all out of thoughts tonight so I'm going to go enjoy my last night in Cali :)....Bye!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gotta start somewhere

Well, I've been wanting to start one of these things for a while so I figure now is a good time to start! To introduce myself my name is Leslie Hunter I am 19 years old and graduated from Coronado High School class of 2008. Currently I am a full time student at CSN majoring in elementary education and I work as a receptionist at Liquid The Salon. Not my favorite job in the whole world but the pay is pretty well and I can't complain about the hours.
Recently, the main focus of my life is my relationship. I'm in a long distance relationship with a boy named Brian Parrish. He lives in Reno and goes to school up there for now. I'm not going to lie I never thought the long distance thing was for me. I would always give props to people who were able to make it work but never in a million years thought I would be able to make it in one. Brian however changed my entire perspective. We went to high school together but NEVER talked. We even had a class together junior year and failed to meet each other. It wasn't until one of the graduation parties that we finally came to meet each other. Randomly we kept in touch that first year of college and by the summer after our first year of college we realized we could definitely have something. Turns out we were right! It will be ten months on Tuesday May 4th and I could not be happier. He is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I love him with my whole heart.

This is us at his cabin a few months ago.

So lately I've been figuring a lot out about myself and have been growing up a lot more. I've made a lot of mistakes and have learned from a lot of those mistakes. Honestly, I intend to make a lot more as I go through life. Right now I love my life and am so thankful for all of the amazing people that are in it. I will keep updating this thing and maybe I'll spark some interest, maybe I won't...either way I think this will be a fun way to keep tabs on my own life. For now, I'm in California staying with my friend Tracy and Kinzi so I'm signing off!

Good night!